Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Marc Bocquet is co-chair of the INSU/LEFE MANU scientific commitee.

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the Scientific Council of the CERFACS institute in Toulouse, France.

  • Marc Bocquet is Associate Editor of the Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

  • Marc Bocquet has co-organised the Les Houches international summer school “Advanced data assimialtion for geosciences”, Les Houches, 28 May 2012 - 15 June 2012.

  • Marc Bocquet has co-organised the 4th “Colloque national d'assimilation de données”, Nice, 17-19 December 2012.

  • Isabelle Herlin is member of the Scientific Council of CSFRS (High Council for Strategic Education and Research in France).

  • Isabelle Herlin organised sessions on "Analysis of data of different scales and sources for mesoscale environmental models" for the International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (IEMSs2012).

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of Evaluation Committee at Inria.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Scientific Council of OSU-EFLUVE.